Life size stop motion puppet made and animated by children
I volunteer at two consecutive youth clubs, for children then teenagers, but sadly the older club recently closed due to lack of staff. Despite this, a small group of teens continue to help at the younger youth club each week, enabling it to continue running.
To thank them for their help I decided to run an animation project with them, part of which involved creating a life size stop motion puppet:

"King Sloth", the bad guy in their film, was made partly from waste materials (purchased here: , as well as making creative use of my tripod! Although none of us had ever attempted to make anything like this before, we managed to put together a rudimentary puppet and animate it in two day long sessions. Skip to around 2:20 of the making of video to see him come to life!
To thank them for their help I decided to run an animation project with them, part of which involved creating a life size stop motion puppet:

"King Sloth", the bad guy in their film, was made partly from waste materials (purchased here: , as well as making creative use of my tripod! Although none of us had ever attempted to make anything like this before, we managed to put together a rudimentary puppet and animate it in two day long sessions. Skip to around 2:20 of the making of video to see him come to life!