
The Old, Forgotten Tooth Fairy

After you've lost your last baby tooth, or stopped believing in her altogether, the Tooth Fairy is heartbroken and has fallen on tough times. But she's here to let you know that she is ready to take back what she is owed.

After following Tim Martin's 3 Part Latex Mask tutorial, I created a distorted version of the Tooth Fairy who is more about hoarding her treasures than bringing joy to children. The mask is latex, crepe wool, thermoplastic teeth and a wig. The wings are EVA foam, latex and thermoplastic teeth secured by strapped EVA harness and a strong magnet. The dressout is primarily tea stained Goodwill finds.

An excerpt from a short performance can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14cYhIOqnY5eJ4lDikEf-rwpQl8ctVD89/view?usp=drive_link

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