Khorne Beastmen
I have built a Beastmen costume for a friend for live-action role-playing.
Based on the Khorne beastmen from warhammer.
Based on the Khorne beastmen from warhammer.
The mask is made of thermoplastic material and was modeled on a plaster head and then molded.
The fur is fake fur, the horns are carved from foam and painted. The hood is made of leather, teeth are made of Worbla Deco Art.
The jaw is movable.
The helmet is made of Worbla and consists of many individual parts, for which I have created an extra pattern.
The helmet is made of Worbla and consists of many individual parts, for which I have created an extra pattern.
The hands are built on a cotton glove. With foam and latex the hand was made to resemble that of a monster. The claws are also made of Worbla Deco Art.
The armor is purchased and then lacquered and painted to match.

The pants have digitgrade legs, the hooves are made of worbla. They are attached to a normal shoe.
The armor is purchased and then lacquered and painted to match.