E.T Pumpkin

Hi, I'm just in time for the contest, I present you my Extra-Terrestrial Pumpkin. This was a commission and my client wanted it to look like it came out of an 80's horror movie. His references was Killer Klowns From Outter Space and Critters. He's arachnophobic so the eyes freak him out every time he sees it (it was his idea)
It had to be scary and fun! It was very good challenge becuse of it's tall !

To create the shape I had to clamp a very large balloon with ropes, which I covered with paper maché, then with plaster. Once the structure was solid and the shape was established I start sculpting with monster clay and epoxy. I had a lot of fun on the sculpt and I had a blast on the paint too, it gave it a lot of life. Now it's alive ! Alive !
If you want to see more of my artworks you can check my Instagram : corvus.sculpt
Thanks to all the Stan Winston School team, the courses are priceless