"Clever Girl" - Jurassic Park Velociraptor
My entry is a 1/2 scale bust of a velociraptor from the 1993 film Jurassic Park. I based velociraptor on the ones created by Stan Winston Studios. I first sculpted the the velociraptor in monster clay, then took a silicone mold of it. Once the mold was taken I casted it in resin. After casting it, I then painted the bust using a combination of airbrushing and hand painting. The eyes were made separately using ping pong balls that I hand painted. In order to achieve the glassy look of the eyes, I poured multiple layers of clear resin over top until I achieved the desired look. My goal for this bust was to make a hyper realistic wall mount that is film ready and screen accurate! Attached are final product photos as well a process photos
