The Sea Angel Baby (Puppet)

It is a hybrid of a mermaid syndrome baby and marine animals, namely, a manta ray, a sea angel, and tentacles. The tentacles are fused together, like the mermaid syndrome. From the deformed “tail,” one can tell that it was not adept at swimming. The tentacle belly, tentacle-liked legs and pectoral fins merged with the human baby face will also convey its crossbred nature. On its face, a twisted frown hints at a slight sense of agony.
I aim to make the piece convey familiarity and strangeness, as someone would feel emotional when staring at its face, but also feel "what the hell?" when seeing its body.
Process: Concept design in ZBrush. Sculpted with Chavant NSP on the armature comprised of a PLA skull and a PU foam body. Moulded with fibreglassing. Casted in silicone.
Mechanics: A rod from the back of the head, and one-axis soft tube tentacle mechanics in both arms.
This is a work I have just finished for the second term of MA Prosthetic Effect at Falmouth University.
For more photos and clips, please visit my Instagram.
Instagram: syshityard
Puppet Video:

Post edited by Sumyee Leung on
You have succeeded.Great work, very well done!