Morigesh the necromancer (Paragon Costume ) by Clockwork Dandy Noodles

- Photography by both Race the Wind Photography and Lpcphotography
- Design belongs to Epic Games and the game Paragon which shut its servers.
Morigesh is a project spanning 2 years. Everything on her is hand made using varying materials. The horns are hollow. I created a foam solid shape and then heated Kobracast to create a pull. These were then built up using worbla/ foam clay and attached to a 5 point star harness. The dreads were built up on to the base. The beads made by hand from apoxie sculpt. Cobwebs were added to her hair.
The bone mask and all 500 teeth/400 bones are all sculpted with apoxie sculpt. The teeth are sculpted on wires so I could sew them down to the sash and skirt. The bone corset was the hardest section. So the skull bra ended up going through a few phases. In the end I went with a sculpt and turned it into a silicone mould and resin casted from it. Keeping the details and keeping it light. The bone corset is sculpted over wire and sew into the half corset I made for the back section. It clips onto the spinal cord on the skull bra. The corset uses synthetic whale boning and was based on one of my early corset mock ups for a different project.
The design was very natural so I wanted to keep that feel during my build. All of the fabric elements are aged via the use of cheese grater/ sand paper and dirty down sprays and ink flicks.
All the leather sections on the build are 2mm foam which is backed with fabric to keep shape. I have heated foil and pressed into heated foam to create a faux leather. I have dry brushed tons into the finished product to create both depth and age.
For the snake heads on the dreads, I cast my pommel on the dagger, as it was the same design just modified for the beads. From the first rough cast of the snake I built up the new sections and then made a master mould to create 12 identical snakes.
The dagger itself is foamex with a aluminum core. I built up the sharp line with apoxie sculpt and used a hand belt sander to get those crisp curves. The paint job to recreate Obsidian was fun. I used a clear top coat over the first initial black metallic layer. Then over the top ink washed a dark blue. Repeated the top coat and ended up with a 3d dimensional sheen. With Morigesh It made sense her weapons would be from nature itself so napping herself an obsidian dagger used in combat and ritual was fitting,

There is a shrunken head on the back which is sculpted and layer in a latex layer. Hair was added and then in places the latex rubbed back to create a decayed look. She also has a leather pouch, which I designed to clip onto the teeth sash. It was designed to hold my phone.
The Voodoo doll was a fun experiment. I started with a wire frame and built up his bones individually with resin clay I then used grey felt and stuffed it into some of his joins and then used the linen to create bandages. His bandages then received a few coats of ink and then... during lock down he aged naturally as the voodoo doll was one of the early pieces I made. In the end he ended up very close to the reference because he sat gathering a lot of dust. His button eyes were created with sculpt and then a mould was made and resin used for the final pieces.
The Voodoo doll sits in a bird nest on a bone handle. The entire section is one piece. I used a thick wire that runs through the hand and into the nest. So there was no risk of breaking when I performed or moved.

The bone/leather bracers are lined in a wool blend which I ave sewn the faux fur trim into. All the sections with faux fur have been aged and coloured using inks. The same method with the foam used on the leather top layer.
This project has so many small details its hard to really cover it all. But I am very proud to have finished this one. There were times that I worried with all the problems she would end up shelved.
Post edited by Rebecca Press on