Falconry Dragon "Is it the pet for you?"
Falconry Dragon Cable Puppet
Like Falcons? Like Dragons? How about a combination of the two.
I give you the Falconry Dragon. A beast of legend or a cable puppet of my own making...
The Falconry Dragon is an original design from the fantasy world in my head. It features a moving head, moving jaw, swishing tail, light up mouth, poseable body and sound. This little guy is made to ride on your shoulder with hidden cables down to hand for control. I have also made a display stand to go with the puppet. This display stand allows for hidden access to the controls for a table top performance. On top of all that it I also made a few falconry accessories to add to the story the puppet is trying to tell. These accessories include a falconry glow with control spots, lead and harness to keep him under control and a falconry hood.
This puppet I made as an eye catching piece for shows, festivals and conventions. Thus far it has done that job quite well.
Puppet in action~

Thank you for your consideration,
~ Jamie

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@David Boccabella
@Lauren Kirkham