Velciprator Sculpture with Time Lapse Video
Hello Everyone !
Below are Images of a Velociraptor I made using basic materials such as, wood,Styrofoam, sculpy clay, and rooster feathers. With this interpretation, I wanted to focus on the texture of the scales. Doing small detail is something I love doing and this was my first time ever sculpting something like this. The project was for my intro sculpture class at the Nova Scotia College of art and Design as an optional, bonus project Understanding that Velciraptor had feathers, I decided to add the rooster feather around the head, arms, and tail to support the idea of evolution. (sorry for the poor camera quality)
Below is a link to a time lapse video of the process behind this sculpture. Check it out if you have a chance! It's greatly appreciated!

Below are Images of a Velociraptor I made using basic materials such as, wood,Styrofoam, sculpy clay, and rooster feathers. With this interpretation, I wanted to focus on the texture of the scales. Doing small detail is something I love doing and this was my first time ever sculpting something like this. The project was for my intro sculpture class at the Nova Scotia College of art and Design as an optional, bonus project Understanding that Velciraptor had feathers, I decided to add the rooster feather around the head, arms, and tail to support the idea of evolution. (sorry for the poor camera quality)
Below is a link to a time lapse video of the process behind this sculpture. Check it out if you have a chance! It's greatly appreciated!

Post edited by Cassie Seaboyer on