Creature masks with jaw operated mouths

in Animatronics
I have seen creature masks with jaw operated mouths. The opening jaw pulls a cable that activates a upper lip movement.
I have tried this in the past and failed. I placed the hinge point of the mouth too far in front.
The boar man from the 90's Island of Doctor Moreau is a working example of what I am looking to make.
Has anyone else tried this? What were your results?
Best Answers
I hate that all my sentence spacing goes away when I submit my post. Sorry for that. I have not figured this trick out yet. :-)0
Funny how one can stumble across the answering the oddest placed. Would love to see how your build turns out. Matthew1
Chris Ellerby Admin
The planet of the apes test makeups were based on a technique where jaw movement is translated to the lips of a makeup or mask. The more you open your jaw, the more the lips open.
The tests for planet of the apes were taken a step further by adding attachments to the performer's lips for more articulation, and a tongue extension.
Here is a shot that shows how the lips move when the jaw is open:
Here is the tongue in the lowered position (you can see the control mech at the front center)
And the tongue in the raised position:
Sadly the attachment points for the lip are all internal, so they can't be photographed with the skin on. If any ever surface I'll post them here.
/Chris1 -
Matt Winston Admin
Hi Hunter P, Yes, the same actor-driven muzzle articulation technique was used for the Sarris makeup in Galaxy Quest!2
Here is a better example of what I am talking about with a alien costume.
Depending on how far he open his jaw the lip moves of the alien move, followed by the mouth opening.
I don't have a crew to make films so containing the actions to
Yeah, he is holding a remote. I did not notice that.
I don't want to attempt something that size at the moment.
I am going to make a ninja turtle costume for a party, and wanted build a working jaw for it.
I may want to make a short film with it later.
Not sure if the guys up top will post pictures of this.
Maybe Richard Landon might have some knowledge of where the attachments were as he was with Stan at the beginning
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