Making a Sci Fi Helmet with Fon Davis - Blueprints
Chris Ellerby
in General
Greetings Everyone,
My current project schedule is preventing me from building a vacuum form machine or mask for this webinar, but I've really enjoyed attending it. Since I plan on eventually building a desktop vacuum form machine, and really like Fon's design, I decided to make a 3D version in SketchUp so I can have detailed blueprints when my schedule finally allows me some build time.
In the spirit of sharing information with the community I'm making these blueprints and the SketchUp model available to the attendees of this webinar with full attribution of the original design to Fonco Creative Services. Please keep in mind that these files are a work in progress and will be updated as I refine the design.
Fon: If you have any notes, measurement changes, or design ideas please let me know and I can update the model and blueprints.
I hurt my knee so I can't really spend a lot of time in the shop, so I've been filling in with pulling a bunch threads from all over. The Proto-form, Volpin's mods, a bunch of the builds from TK560.
The layers I've decided on for the platen are:
Aluminum sheet .18mm - Home Depot
1/2" MDF
1/4" MDF + plain metal sheet expanded aka metal mesh
1/2 MDF
Total cost for a 24"x24" platen: $35
Also I noticed in the chat some people had bought some pre-drilled sheet metal. The consensus for hole size and placement is 1" (max) spacing and no bigger than 1/16".