Mukuro from the anime Yu Yu Hakusho
Since she's a cartoon character this is not very lifelike. I sewed the costume itself and also made covers for the shoes. The headpiece is made with fabrics, polystyrene, air-drying clay and craft foam. The prosthetic is made of liquid latex (low budget ahhaha) and the pretty eye is a half plastic ball... (The little black brat is a precious friend, not part of the costume

Since she's a cartoon character this is not very lifelike. I sewed the costume itself and also made covers for the shoes. The headpiece is made with fabrics, polystyrene, air-drying clay and craft foam. The prosthetic is made of liquid latex (low budget ahhaha) and the pretty eye is a half plastic ball... (The little black brat is a precious friend, not part of the costume