
Steampunk yena

Hi all,
I wish I was a little further along in my robotic creature suit so I could enter that in this, sadly it's still got a lot of work to do. Oh well. Instead heres some artwork of my robotic character. 

I present to you Okto. A hybrid creature created on a island south of the pacific by a real Doctor Moraeu enthusiast. Being one of the doctor's first bigger successes. He was far from perfect. Though Okto tried his hardest to please his master. Going so far as to risk his own life for his creator; when another experiment went on a rampage.
The end result of the struggle leaving the hyena hybrid injured beyond repair. In a act to try and save his loyal hybrid his creator replaced what couldn't be fixed with robotics made out of whatever scrap metal he could find around. Creating the robotic hybrid before you.

I had a lot of fun working on this. It's actually quite a bit different than my usual style. After watching the Portrait Illustration course I decided to try what I learned and take a new approach to digital painting. I have to say I'm pretty happy with the result. I just wish I could get the hang of drawing gears *sigh*, 
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