Yagna Sahapathi


  • Jatayu

    In Ramayana, Jatayu was believed to be the son of Aruna and a nephew of Garuda. A demi-god in the form of vulture, Jatayu was an old friend of king Dasharath, father of Lord Rama.Jatayu was the first… (View Post)

    The word Maata in India means mother. A cow in India is a sacred animal. People in India worship the animal. This is a fact. The other fact is that India is also the largest exporter of cows meat and… (View Post)
  • Mother

    Mother is a monster of a cow. A cow who gave birth just like us humans. A cow who wanted to feed her baby and keep them safe. A cow who's baby was taken away from her. A cow who now pray's that her d… (View Post)