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  • JFAM
    JFAM, ElNombreDeLaRosa, ERZEBET, Bigballsboykoa, Ignacio avendaño and 2 others were promoted to New Member.
    March 9
  • JFAM
    Welcome Aboard!
    March 9
  • Ivan
    Hola!!! Soy Ivanloblanc!! Enhorabuena por tu trabajo tan excepcional!! 👍👍👍🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
    March 9
  • Ivan
    Ivan, Fabio Fernandez, Carla Bonasía, darkgreen996, Ion and 8 others were promoted to New Member.
    March 8
  • Ivan
    Welcome Aboard!
    March 8
  • Ralph_Sutter
    Ralph_Sutter changed their profile picture.
    March 9
  • Ralph_Sutter
    Ralph_Sutter changed their profile picture.
    March 9
  • Yeru Vera
    Simplemente maravilloso!!! Gran creación, incomparable!! Exitosss
    March 8
  • Edna Buitrago
    March 7
  • Edna Buitrago
    Welcome Aboard!
    March 7
  • Heloisa Leticia
    Heloisa Leticia, imoanc and greggwright_5 were promoted to New Member.
    March 6
  • Heloisa Leticia
    Welcome Aboard!
    March 6
  • Furry Factory
    Furry Factory, Berenice, Slippy, Crowe88, Rafael DiOliveira and 19 others were promoted to New Member.
    March 4
  • Furry Factory
    Welcome Aboard!
    March 4
  • Speedjats_1

    Jhaarn, primordial creature

    He communicates through telepathy. It measures approximately 4 meters high and 2.50 mebuters wide. It weighs around 700 kg. It feeds mainly on herbs and fruits, however, it is capable of devouring its own weight in meat in a single day. It has a tail capable of creating poisons, It can fire bursts of it through several of its holes, with power comparable to RPG missiles. This insectoid creature is as old as the world itself, it was the first form of life on Earth. It is adapted to survive on the planet. Like Prometheus, Jhaarn also witnessed the creation of humans, he has known them forever. For a long time it helped them, providing them with tools, knowledge, protection and food, since the first hominids appeared. She has no eyes, nor can she move her neck, but she has the ability to perceive temperatures, electromagnetic fields, and echolocate, so she has a super-extended 360-degree vision over her territories, which she knows very well. She is peaceful, she no longer likes men. It is always willing to receive visitors, as long as they are worthy and interesting, otherwise it proceeds to devour them. He has a high intellect, he knew all the great empires, the great geniuses, he knows science very well, especially physics and the behavior of matter on earth. He prefers to be alone, he knows the beginning and seems to know the end, he only wants tranquilit

    jhaarn, creatura primordial

    está creatura insectoide, es antigua como el mundo mismo, fue la primera forma de vida de la tierra.
    está adaptada para sobrevivir en el planeta
    al igual que prometeo, jhaarn también vio la creación de los hombres, los conoce de siempre, por mucho tiempo les ayudó, proveyendo de herramientas, conocimientos,protección y alimentos, desde que los primero ominidos aparecieron.

    ella no tiene ojos, tampoco mueve el cuello, pero tiene una capacidad de percibir las temperaturas, hondas electromagnéticas,y ecolocalizarce, por lo que tiene una visión de 360 grados super extendida sobre sus territorios, los cuales conoce muy bien.

    al mover sus alas crea un sonido parecido al de un helicóptero, lo cual le ayuda a planear cuando realiza sus largos y característicos saltos
    está creatura puede moverse a muy altas velocidades, capaz de levantar un par de toneladas.

    se comunica por telepatía.
    mide unos 4 metros de altura y unos 2,50meteos de hancho. pesa unas 700k aprox
    se alimenta principalmente de hierbas y frutos, sinembargo es capaz de devorar su peso en carne por día
    tiene una cola capaz de crear venenos. no
    puede disparar rafagaz de este por varios de sus orificios.(potencia comparadas con misiles RPG)

    es pacífica, ya no gusta de los hombres.
    está siempre está dispuesta a recibir visitas, siempre que sean dignos e interesantes, de lo contrario procede a devorarlos.

    tiene un alto intelecto,conoció todo los grandes imperios, los grandes genios, conoce muy bien de ciencias, en especial física y los comportamientos de la materia en la tierra.

    prefiere estar en soledad, sabe el inicio y oarece saber su fin, solo desea la tranquilidad.

    March 4
  • Kaylie Mahoney
    Kaylie Mahoney changed their profile picture.
    March 4
  • Kaylie Mahoney
    Kaylie Mahoney changed their profile picture.
    March 4
  • Will Caruthers
    Will Caruthers , gsand951, Andy Robbins, Emmanuel Delcour , Olcan84 and 14 others were promoted to New Member.
    March 3
  • Will Caruthers
    Welcome Aboard!
    March 3
    BEHEMOTH559 changed their profile picture.
    March 4
  • Andy Robbins
    Andy Robbins changed their profile picture.
    March 4
  • Emmanuel Delcour
    Emmanuel Delcour changed their profile picture.
    March 4
  • Sasha Blaschka
    Sasha Blaschka changed their profile picture.
    March 4
  • Sasha Blaschka
    Sasha Blaschka changed their profile picture.
    March 4
  • Sirenlady
    Sirenlady changed their profile picture.
    March 4
  • Sirenlady
    I've been l building props for over a decade. Always into one craft or another. The last 8 years, I've been working with a local haunted house attraction doing scenic painting fabrication and make up. 
    March 4
  • Sirenlady
    Sirenlady changed their profile picture.
    March 4
  • GingerlytwistedbyPj
    GingerlytwistedbyPj changed their profile picture.
    March 4
  • GingerlytwistedbyPj
    GingerlytwistedbyPj changed their profile picture.
    March 4
  • GingerlytwistedbyPj
    GingerlytwistedbyPj changed their profile picture.
    March 4